A Serval or A Savannah – Difficult Choice

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A Serval or A Savannah – Difficult Choice

A Serval or A Savannah – Difficult Choice

Serval is a remarkable creature, thus it makes sense that people would be drawn to this animal for his attractiveness, skill, and intelligence. Serval owners are incredibly fortunate to share such a special bond with one of the planet’s most majestic species.

differences between Serval and Savannah, Serval is a wild animal and some people try to keep Servals as a pet in their houses instead of Savannahs. It is very hard to tame the wild Serval Cats and their temperament can change at any time. The wild instinct of the Servals can be dangerous for other domestic animals and children around. We are discussing the problems and difficulties in keeping Servals and Savannah Cats as pets so that before reaching the final purchase decision you can make up your mind.

Difficulties with Keeping Serval Cats

From a practical perspective, we like to take a moment to inform anyone who is thinking of getting a Serval about some of the difficulties you can encounter. When they are kittens, they are incredibly gregarious, interacting creatures who thrive when given attention. Most will be gregarious enough to socialize with house guests and willing to ride a harness outside to see what is out there. However, as most of them grow older, you’ll notice that they begin to withdraw, becoming only somewhat comfortable around one or two adults and easily upset by guests. They also become very steadfast in the ways that things are done in their world. Any departure from this will have a cost, typically in the form of destructive behavior or urination outside of the litter box. Most people will be on the verge of a mental collapse after a week of being away from home, but even something as simple as rearrangement of furniture might send them into a spiral.

Training with the Litter Boxes

Owners of Servals typically also have to deal with their pets’ litter box habits. Most will only occasionally utilize decent boxes. Retraining is an option, but it typically needs to be done a few times a year. The problem with spraying is significantly worse. Both male and female Servals are likely to spray due to a strong instinct to do so, even after being spayed or neutered.

Developing a Diet Plan

Another issue with the Servals is their diet. Bone strength depends on eating a diet with a high amount of calcium and phosphorous these minerals are present in healthy quantities in wild but may lack in packed cat food. They must be fed a balanced diet to prevent the development of brittle bones because they are the longest-legged cat (relative to body size) and the most severe jumpers. Hearing about a pet Serval breaking its leg when jumping from something is not unusual. This is typically brought on by a poor diet and diminished bone density. There are balanced diets available, but their palatability is a problem. Many Servals will not consume these well-balanced diets, thus owners will end up feeding raw food and making an effort to supplement with the required vitamins and minerals. The ideal diet would consist of whole foods, such as whole mice, chicks, pheasants, etc., which they would consume in the wild. However, the cost of doing this can be prohibitive.

Legal Permits for Savannah Cats

The legality of owning a Serval is one last thing to think about. Ordinances prohibiting the possession of wild animals are common, or at the very least, permits are frequently needed. I have a great belief in our constitutional rights and speak up immediately when I see those rights being violated. It is not my position to judge who is and is not qualified to own such goods or to provide for them. Once more, we believe exceptions can happen and Servals can develop a bond with humans and can be tamed.

The purpose of this discussion is to demonstrate that, in most situations, a Savannah is a more practical choice for bringing a bit of the wild into your home than a Serval. We used to get calls frequently from Serval buyers who realized that this wild cat was too much for them to handle when it was between 6 and 10 months old. We see that as the Savannah becomes more well-known, we receive fewer and fewer of these calls. This, in our opinion, is because more people opt to buy Savannahs than Servals. With the Savannah, you may experience the Serval’s wild appearance, size, astounding athleticism, and extraordinary intelligence in a cat that can be handled primarily like a domestic cat. They make the perfect lifelong companion because their litter box habits are much more predictable, they can adapt to a variety of social situations, and we advise feeding them high-quality dry food. We hope those who read this will find it useful, and we would be happy to answer any queries.

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